The Worcester Telegram again features the Manchaug Pond dam and the continued plight of the dam owner to find a buyer for the dam property. The Telegram took a position on Friday in an editorial and on Sunday the reporter quoted MassDEP testimony in the MEPA process the dam owner has opened up. Mass DEP is quoted repeatedly as it aims to preserve the lake ecosystem and public access rights by maintaining "the status quo", protect the water bodies up and downstream, protect downstream users such as the Douglas Wastewater Treatment Facility, and protect or provide mitigation for the private water supply wells within a half mile radius of the pond. Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Ian Bowles will have a decision, Environmental Impact Report on the matter by July 24th.
Here's a link to Friday's editorial:
and Sunday's front page local news article:
Here's a list of the other articles:
Search results
Your search for manchaug pond dam resulted in 6 articles.
The water isnt over the dam
The company that wants to breach the dam on Manchaug Pond appears to have a long regulatory road ahead of it.
Published on 07/19/09 in the category News
The deed to the dam
An interesting interplay between public and private interests is at work in Sutton and Douglas.
Published on 07/17/09 in the category News
Dam breach comments mostly critical
Despite torrential rain and the threat of severe thunderstorms, more than 60 Sutton and Douglas residents, state and local officials packed the selectmens meeting room yesterday afternoon for the state-held meeting on Manchaug Reservoir Corp.
Published on 07/08/09 in the category News
Area residents air issues at Patrick town meeting
Hundreds of Central Massachusetts residents flocked to Shrewsbury High School tonight to talk to Gov. Deval L. Patrick about health care, shared parenting, prescription drugs and other problems they hope the state can better address. Lt. Gov.
Published on 07/08/09 in the category News
Owner intends to breach Manchaug Pond Dam
The owner of the Manchaug Pond Dam is taking steps to breach the dam, a move that would shrink the pond, reduce the flow of the Mumford River, and interfere with sewage treatment at the wastewater plant in neighboring Douglas.
Published on 06/18/09 in the category News
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