"Okay, it's time to stop the rain dance!"
"Is your water level high enough!"
"Could you pray for sunshine now!?!"
"Rain.... again!"
Our response: Just a big grin! :))
Yesterday evening, the water at Manchaug Pond reached a level where it was flowing over the flashboards of the Manchaug Pond dam. Who would have thought we would have received so much rain this May and June to bring us up to this level! Not only is the water bringing our lake, shoreline, coves and wetlands back to life but we are seeing how our site work for the storm drain grant is taking the flow of the storm run-off!
Don't you just love the water!
Granted the flashboards just don't seem to quite measure up to their 3.5 foot height as described in the engineers' inspection reports and other official documents but we are at a good level!
Here's the flashboards last night.
Here's the flow over the flashboards out the spillway.
With 1 1/2 inches of rain yesterday and another 2 this morning and now a storm as I write, the rain gauge continues to fill and
the dam owner has opened the low level gate.
Well, I guess we should be thankful they haven't decided to employ a new strategy of flooding us out!!
Just goes to show ya with all the rain we had there is not a danger of overtopping this dam.
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