Thursday, August 14, 2008

Caught in an Artic Votex

Where have I been?! July 28th was my last blog entry here, snuck in the one on August 2nd and now another dated August 14th! The blog has been in a big void especially with everything going on. The weatherman says we have been in an arctic vortex.... sure!

Sure! I can definitely relate to that! Look at the photo of a whole lane of artic vortexes! But with all this exceptionally rainy season, the dam owner's representative reported the lake had come up only 11 inches by July 30. Two months later with plenty of help from nature, the dam owner missed by a few feet their new "Full" date goal of June 1st.

The weather has been swirling around us bring in storm after storm. But so has life and the issues the MPA is facing on behalf of Manchaug Pond. We are the busiest we have been in years! Save Wednesday evening, September 3rd on your calendar for Manchaug Pond.

Stay tuned and the next post will give you a major update!

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Going back to read the comments...

Hello readers! Lets go back and read the three comments posted after the last blog entry just to catch us up with life!

Blogger leslie said...

I am a seasonal resident on Lake Manchug, after reading this article I didn't see anything that said the water level would not be an issue again next year. Is there something that the seasonal residents can do to ensure this does not happen again. Can the company that has rights to the dam leave it open again next year.

July 30, 2008 8:20 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would have asked the governor if he would commit to fast track legislation to have the Office of Dam Safety take ownership and control of the Manchaug Pond Dam. The Office of Dam Safety currently controls 341 dams throughout the state, Manchaug Pond should also be one of them.

Manchaug Pond is a Great Pond and should have enough water in it to be enjoyed by the Commonwealth(read all about it in Chapter 91, The Massachusetts Public Waterfront Act of 1866). From the website "Through Chapter 91, the Commonwealth seeks to preserve and protect the rights of the public and to guarantee that private uses of tidelands and waterways serve a proper public purpose."


July 30, 2008 8:55 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess the question I would ask is plain and simple is how do we not have this promblem next year! The sad thing is that I am only a camper on the pond and we save 12 months out of the year to be there. The main reason we are there is for the joy of the water with our boat which has been sitting on its trailer. But if there is no water then there is no reason for most of us campers to be there a lot of us will be leaving the area!!

August 01, 2008 7:22 PM

more to come...


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