This is the first year I don't hear the spring peepers singing us to sleep in the evening, as the cove and adjoining wetlands are pretty dry.
Did you get a letter from Interface about the water level? I didn't get one because my husband and I don't own waterfront property - we're one row back and have waterrights to a beach area as do the rest of the property owners on our road. Even though we're one row back, my husband did complain to me of dead fish smell the other day.
This is the first year of many that one of my kids hasn't been swimming yet. I have a couple of hardy girls that take their first dip in March or April depending on when the ice melts. It's May now and the water is down just over the large rocks and boulders we stand on in the summer.
This is the first year we haven't taken a spring boat ride. Remember last year I said something about our 28 foot pontoon boat being high and dry until the mill raises the water. I took a lot of heat last year for that comment from one family who said I was trying to scare people ... well, from where I live it was true. We wait... we rely on the mill - the dam owner to take care of the water level, the weed control, the amphibians and fish, our recreation and a host of other issues.
But let's get back to being optimistic! Blog writters should be optimistic if not inspirational! Yes, today we are between a rock and a hard place - a pretty dry hard place, but here on Manchaug Pond we're used to rock. right?! We're even known for our rocks here on Manchaug! All this could change on Monday, May 5th and by Memorial Day weekend, if not before, we could be in GREAT shape!
Here's how it has to go: Monday morning the Office of Dam Safety lets Interface our dam owner and their engineering firm tell their story: what they are worried about and what they are "trying" to accomplish. Then Dam Safety tells Interface (fingers crossed and praying everyone!) not to worry about the guidelines that have been inplace for a few years as the dam is well maintained - we've seen its performance during hurricanes and the flooding in 2005 - put the flashboards in and return us to historical level!
Rain is in the future, our dam is still in great shape so we'll be up to full in no time! Don't write off the season yet!
Help make it happen! Voice your concern, tell of the impact Manchaug Pond's low water level is having in your area, email the Office of Dam Safety today:
Our 1st Vice President spoke personnally to this gentleman - Dam Safety wants to hear from you! Their guidelines and regulations look to protect us !
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