Sunday, as my daughter watched her new episode of Star Trek from the "Captain's Collection", I heard Captain Sisko say "our cause was righteous, our intent was good..." Certainly that was the case with the Manchaug Pond Association. What better cause then the preservation of Manchuag Pond. Our intent to do the best thing, employ the best tools - modern, 21 century methods of protecting the lake through the formation of a watershed district at no cost to the town. Our methods: communication within the lake community, communication with the current dam owner, communication with government, looking to the experts for advice and direction, starting a list of users so that all could share the costs. A platform based on truth, vision for the future, and with all users involved.
"We must be the change we wish to see in the world." ~ Mahatma Gandhi
Our lake is beautiful. In our meetings with the towns' Board of Selectman, the dam is always the main focus. What of the high bacteria counts we are seeing from the watershed? what of the other 20 sites/problem areas identified as sources of non point source pollution not addressed by the grant? What of our problems with the grant process because we are a non profit? what of our lake level drawdown method of weed control? what of our August secchi disc reading which shows a major decline in water clarity/transparency in one year alone? What about Manchaug Pond?
"Leaders manage change. Managers control process." ~ Anon
The Douglas Board of Selectman voted whole heartily a few weeks ago to fully support the formation of a watershed district for Whitin Reservoir. They hired legal counsel to review the legislation, made requests for a voting seat and more limits to the eminent domain powers. Attorney Walter Jabs and the people of Whitin's complied. The Manchaug Pond Association did the same thing.
Last night before many supporters and two opposed, we asked the Douglas Board of Selectman for their support. We heard two selectman hem and haw that they could not support a district for Manchaug Pond because of Sutton - the selectman's vote not to be involved! What power that Board of elected officials has! Two Douglas voters strongly reminded selectman they were elect represent Douglas, not Sutton's position and that they needed to act in the best interest for Manchaug Pond! What of democracy? In both towns, an overwhelming number of voters called for selectman to support our right to assemble and vote on a watershed district.
In two weeks, Douglas will meet again to make their final decision. Give Douglas a call.. they did the right thing for the people of Whitin Reservoir, ask them to do the right thing for the people of Manchaug Pond. Ask them to be leaders. Michael Guzinski, Executive Administrator. 508-476-4000 x 101. or email
"Managers think about today. Leaders think about tomorrow." ~ Dan McCreary
Let the user's champion Manchaug's cause. Let the people who know her best, who have her as a backyard be her caretaker. Empower them with the tools they need to do the job.
"Sometimes we must do more than our best, we must do what is required." Winston Churchill.
Let democracy be the order of the day!
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