Thank you for the contribution!
So what is going on?! Well, to put it mildly, PLENTY!
Besides the usual calls that the lake is too high or too low, and "I'm calling from Florida - is the lake up yet since the dam repairs?", and the calls from Fuddy, the caretaker with Interface, on how much the dam is open and closed, the rainfall and snowmelt, and news on the mill, etc....
.... the Stormdrain Grant is a definite! The Federal/State Government will fund $129,000 for the MPA to reimburse the Towns of Douglas and Sutton as well as the engineering firm CEI as we oversee a number of projects around the lake which will address aquatic weed growth by reducing pollutants/runoff into the lake. We have been busy reviewing project scope of work drafts, sending in vendor and affirmative action requirements, and the MPA President has become handy with the pen signing contracts with DEP and CEI on behalf of the MPA. Personally, I am thankful for the expertise we have on the MPA Board of Directors, ie. a real certified public accountant for a treasurer to ensure proper recordkeeping and management of those monie$! The project time-frame started this week and goes into 2010.
.... The District Initiative has been the object of many meetings with the residents around the lake, friends and MPA members, with the MPA Board of Directors, and with the Towns of Douglas and Sutton whose support we seek before we go to the state legislature. In an effort to secure the Towns blessing... At our first meeting before the Sutton Board, State Rep. Jennifer Callahan noted its merits as well as our efforts getting the grant. But both Towns still are working to understand how a watershed district can work within the Town. Douglas has verbally granted their support but Sutton is still talking and asking questions. MPA attorney for the project, Walter Jabs Jr. and COLAP Representative Dick Johnston of Cedar Meadows Watershed District have provided hours of information to the town administrators and Boards of Selectman on our behalf as well as the Town Administrators and officials in the towns of Leicester and Spencer which have a number of districts they work with, but the Towns continue to scratch their heads about it all. The Town of Sutton has decided to call a meeting of people around the lake to get everyone's opinion. Their public meeting has been scheduled for Thursday, March 15th at 7 p.m. at the Sutton Senior Center on Hough Road. I'll get a hard copy to everyone in the mail this week. The Selectman want to hear from you as to the benefits of the district, at this meeting, in writing or one of their public forums.
This week I have also been reading dam safety reports the MPA secured last year on the Manchaug Pond dam. The MPA President read them a few months ago. They go back to 1991 and give alot details on the maitenance performed on the dam. Good shape it is!
More to come!
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