Friday, January 16, 2009

Warm enough to snowmobile! ?

-10 degrees right now with no wind. My furnace is working harder than usual. Most of us would say that is cold. .... BUT! not everyone! Did I hear a snowmobile at 6:50 a.m. out on the lake?

Stay warm!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Educate Yourself on Lake Issues! January 24th

For 22 years the MPA has had representatives at the annual January educational meeting of the Massachusetts Congress of Lake and Pond Associations (COLAP). Last year for the first time, our 1st Vice President exhibited the MPA sharing information from our 319 stormwater grant. Today MPA President Dave Schmidt invites all of you interested in lake issues to join us! This year promises great workshops for the friends of Manchaug Pond - that's all you lake property owners, watershed residents, campers, sportmen and town officials alike. Workshops include dam and flow issues, weed and lake management, and beaver and geese control not to mention addressing stormwater. Looking at the speakers list, we find those familiar with Manchaug Pond - Rep. Jennifer Callahan who announced our 319 Stormwater Grant to Sutton Board of Selectman; Lee Lyman who has conducted two weed surveys of our lake; and Donna Williams who spoke at our Spring Social just last year.

Check out the agenda below, click the link to get you to the registration form, register before January 20 to save $, and we'll see you there!

MA COLAP 22nd Annual Lake and Pond Management Workshop

Student Center, Worcester State College
Saturday, January 24, 2009
8:00 AM to 3:00 PM
(Snow Date: Sunday, January 25)
[Call 508-429-5085 for message]

8:00: Registration and Continental Breakfast (Included in fee)

8:30-10:15: Plenary Session

Featured Speakers

Senator Stephen Brewer (invited) : Legislative Issues
Representative Jennifer Callahan (invited)

Keynote Address: Mass DCR Commissioner Richard Sullivan

NALMS Update: Ken Wagner, Past President, Ph.D., CLM, AECOM

Mass Lakes and Ponds Update:
Anne Monnelly, Acting Director Office Water Res., DCR

Business Meeting/Election of Officers

Stormwater, Dams, Wildlife & Lake/Pond Partners
Peter Coffin, Blackstone River Coalition and Donna Williams, Mass Audubon and BRC President --
—How Lake and Pond Groups can Participate in Local Stormwater Planning Efforts

BEAVER ISSUES— A Panel of Experts Seeks Your Input

Herb Bergquist, President (CRWM)
Chris Dwyer,US Fish & Wildlife Service
Malcom Speicher, Spencer, Beaver Manager
Laura Hajduk, Mass DFW Furbearer Wildlife Biologist

10:15 - 10:30: Break and Exhibit Time

A,B,C,D,E (Choose 1 of A,B,C,D or Choose E)
Sessions are repeated in the next hour, Except E is a 2-hr session

Managing Dam Releases for Natural Streamflow
- Joanna Carey, Mass DFG Riverways Prog Specialist and
The GEIR and Permitting Changes Necessary to Facilitate Better Instream Flow Management in Lake Projects
- Ken Wagner, CLM, WRM, AECOM Global Environment

- Lee Lyman, President, Lycott Environmental

A Panel of Experts Provides Answers and Seeks Your Input:
- Herb Bergquist, President Cm for Responsible Wildlife Mgt.
- Chris Dwyer, USFWildlife Service
- Malcom Speicher, Experienced Beaver Manager
- Laura Hajduk, Mass DFG Furbearer Wildlife Biologist

D. HAND-PULLING Experiences (7 years)—Milfoil, Curly Leaf Pondweed, Phragmites, Purple Loostrife
—Mercedes Gallagher, Center Pond, Yokum Pond, and Greenwater Pond in Becket, MA

E. Using the GEIR and DEP Guidance Documents for Lake & Pond Management Permitting (2 hours)
A mock ConCom Meeting dealing with common/future Lake Projects for New Folks
–Anne Monnelly, DCR, OWR, and Mark Stinson, DEP.

11:30 - 11:45: Break

11:45 - 12:45: Repeated CONCURRENT SESSIONS A,B,C,D
Choose one of the above OR Continue in Session E


1:45--2:45 CONCURRENT SESSIONS F,G,H,J,K,L (Choose One)

F. Lake and Pond Groups and STORMWATER MANAGEMENT, Continued How L & P Groups can Participate in Stormwater Planning Efforts
- Peter Coffin, Blackstone River Coalition

Stormwater Management Plan (EPA Phase 2) facilitation in Leicester
- Ruth Kaminski, Leicester local committee facilitator

G. How to Plan for your LAKE MANAGEMENT PLAN-- from QAPP to Implementation
- Bob Hartzel,,GeoSyntec Consultants

H. Lake Management Results:
- Darrell Oakley, Senior Ecologist, ESS Group

Stormwater BMPs and LID System Performance on Pollution Removal Efficiency and Infiltration (Recharge)
- Jerry Schoen, Mass Stormwater TEP Manager

J. FROM THE ROOTS UP! Growing the Ultimate GREEN LAWN Without Fertilizer And the SKY DOWN! to Pinpoint and Fix Leaking Septic Systems, with A Range of Solutions and Funding Methods
- Jackson Madnick,, COLAP BOD

K. 1. How to Perform the RIGHT AQUATIC PLANT SURVEY for Your Lake or Pond
- Keith Gazaille, ACT (Aquatic Control Technology)
- Bruce Leicher, Bare Hill Pond Watershed Mgt Committee

L. Dam Repair Issues:
Dam and Spillway Repairs, Sunset Pond— Design, Permitting & Construction
- Christopher Haker, PE, Tighe & Bond

Is there Light or Water at the End of this Tunnel? Repairs to a Low-Level Outlet Control Structure at a Bucolic Wedding Site
- Nils Wiburg, Fuss & O’Neill

2:45--3:00 Raffle and END

Session Topics are subject to change.

Attention: CONSULTANTS and LAKE GROUPS with DISPLAY MATERIALS (EXHIBITS) such as posters, brochures, dioramas, signs, etc.. You are welcome to set up a display. For particulars, and to reserve a display spot, please call Carol Hildreth (508)429-5085.

Display your Wares and Successes!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Great Day for the Lake

6:30 a.m. the ice fishermen were seen walking from the State Public Access Ramp onto the lake with their buckets and sleds. We knew they would be here as soon as the ice was thick enough! I hear too that many enjoyed the lake today as snowmobilers, skaters and others came out before the storm and cold weather sets in.

Anyone care to send in a photo of today's fun or an official report on the thickness of the ice? Our readers are asking! I hear it is more than 4 inches...

Thursday, January 08, 2009


Manchaug Pond is freezing - ice at every shore! With only freezing temperatures in the forecast, I am sure we will soon see the boat ramp loaded with ice fisherman, hear the hum of 4wheelers and snowmobiles and see the tracks of cross country skiis and ice skates. Whatever the waterlevel wasn't for you this summer, it will soon be everything to those who love the lake in the winter. Get out the hot chocolate!

Also, as soon as I get the official report from last night's Sutton Conservation Commission, I'll let you know.

Now that the holidays are winding down and the internet connection here seems to be working, I can get back to blogging Manchaug Pond and MPA.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Manchaug Pond on Tonight's Con. Com. Agenda

Manchaug Pond is on the agenda for tonight's Sutton Conservation Commission meeting at 8:30 p.m. We have been told that a representative from Manchaug Reservoir Corp will be attending to request another continuation and explain why it is necessary.

Monday, January 05, 2009

Con. Comm. Hearing Postponed

The dam owner has requested yet another postponement for the January 7th meeting and it will be rescheduled for February 4th.


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