The snow and ice are melting fast in and around Manchaug Pond and the Manchaug Pond Foundation has been working all winter on a whole calendar of fun and worthwhile events and projects to involve you and benefit you, the lake, the watershed, and the greater community!
Let's take a look at a few for April:
- Spring issue of SPLASH! our colorful, print newsletter with 8 pages of info is at the printer! Get on the mailing list by hitting our PayPal donation button for any amount or send a donation to MPF, P.O. Box 154, Manchaug, MA 01526. Special thanks to our Newsletter Committee: Alice our Editor, and committee members, writers and photographers Andy, Dave, George, Karen, Marty Jo, Wendy, Phyllis, Russ and Paul, Bill L. Want to join the committee?
- BIG SPRING RAFFLE tickets on sale now! Get your ticket today with only 100 chances to win a $6,600 Home Theater, the 55" Bose VideoWave III with delivery, setup and installation OR the CA$H prize of $4,000! Tickets price is $100 and directly benefit Manchaug Pond. Special thanks to our FUNdrai$ing Committee: Karen our chair, George "Gig" our raffle, and members Andy, Paula, Ted, Mike, Dave, and Phyllis. There's a seat and a coffee for you at their meetings!
- Opportunities for YOU TO GET More INVOLVED:
- Learn how to take a water sample and do site evaluation once a month as part of a larger river system water quality effort.
- Give a morning of your time on Saturday, April 26 for our Spring Cleanup of Ramp, Roadsides and Shoreline: 9 AM to Noon, State Boat Ramp, Torrey Road, Sutton. Start with coffee and donuts, work with neighbors and friends, and end the morning with the satisfaction of a job well done! Rake, pick up paper, boat the shoreline... it's better than a morning at the gym!
- Join a committee or team! Bring your ideas to help plan the Boat Decorating Contest; develop a learning lake resource "toolbox" for kids of ages; take photos or write for the newsletter; share your time and expertise with us! We have a place for you just tell us your interest!
- "LIKE" us on facebook @ Manchaug Pond Foundation and post with Manchaug Pond.
- Use GoodSearch on the internet when you search the internet.
close the dam please before we lose all the run off.