Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Con Com Mtg Tomorrow Night

The continuation of the Sutton Conservation Commission's review of the new water level for Manchaug Pond proposed by the dam owner is slated for this Wednesday, September 17th in the Sutton Town Hall.

As of yesterday the secretary reported that this item is scheduled for 9:15 p.m. on the agenda. But stay tuned, I'll report here if there is a change... rumor has it that due to the large turnout and the time needed to consider the topic, the Con Com may postpone to a separate Wed. where it would be a stand alone issue at that meeting.

Will keep you posted.

Here's a photo of the Old Holbrook Place campground in 2006 when the dam owner took the water down to make repairs. You can see that Manchaug Pond, especially on the Sutton side, is very shallow. Taking the water level down 3-4 feet can leave quite a few docks stranded, coves dry and the water yards away from the shore.

Looking at this makes it very easy to understand why timing with a drawdown is SO important - why the fish kill, why boats hit rocks, how docks became useless, why wildlife was lost in the coves, and why neighboring wetlands dried this summer, etc., etc.


  1. Is the meeting happening tonight?

  2. We are on the agenda for 9:15... the time was just confirmed by our 1st VP at the Town Hall. and they have a quorum.



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